Frequently Asked Questions

    Anyone who has been identified as having an intellectual disability or closely related developmental disability by an Agency or professional and is age 8 or older can train and compete as a Special Olympics athlete. To join as an athlete:

    1. Contact the Regional Athletic Director in your region.
    2. Obtain and complete the required paperwork (available here).
    3. Return your form(s) to the Special Olympics Wisconsin State Office. All athletes must have the required paperwork on file before they begin practicing. Medical deadline dates are strictly enforced for upcoming competitions. Please work closely with your coach, Local Program Manager and/or the Athlete Medical Records Manager at the State Office to make sure medical deadlines are met.

    There is no cost to the athlete to join Special Olympics Wisconsin. There may be a minimal cost involved in participating. No athlete will be denied participation based on economic circumstances

    Please visit our Become an Athlete webpage.

    Special Olympics Wisconsin provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in 19 Olympic-type sports within four sports seasons for individuals with intellectual disabilities 8 years of age or older.

    Please visit our sports offered page for more information.

    Our volunteer base includes students, senior citizens, business groups, professional individuals, civic organizations, families, amateur and professional athletes, and coaches to name a few. In other words, ANYONE CAN GET INVOLVED! There is no experience required; however, you must be at least 13 years of age, unless accompanied by an adult. To begin the volunteer registration process and to view upcoming events in your area please visit our volunteer webpage.

    Please visit our become a coach webpage.

    To start a program in your area or to become a Local Program Manager of an established Local Program in your area, please contact Mark Wolfgram. For additional information on Local Program Management, please visit our Local Program Management page. 

    Other programs and initiatives of Special Olympics Wisconsin include: Athlete Leadership Program (ALPs),  Unified Champion SchoolsSO CollegeHealthy Athletes, and the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR), just to name a few!

    Please visit our Regions webpage to see what region you belong to based on your county.

    Please visit our Events Calendar to view all of the upcoming Special Olympics Wisconsin events.

    Check out each individual sport at our Sports Offered page.

    You can donate money directly online by going to our Donate webpage or visit our Give webpage for others way to donate to Special Olympics Wisconsin.