SOWI Health

Special Olympics Wisconsin Health: Changing Lives

Special Olympics Wisconsin’s health program improves access to health care for athletes through free event-based screenings and educational initiatives. With nearly 1,800 free health screenings provided annually, Special Olympics Wisconsin has emerged as a leading public health organization for people with I.D.

Healthy Athletes

Healthy Athletes offers free health screenings and education to athletes with I.D., addressing disparities in healthcare access and quality. The program features various disciplines, including dentistry, vision, and fitness, to ensure comprehensive health support.


Special Olympics Wisconsin provides athletes with tools and programs like to improve their physical fitness. By promoting regular physical activity and healthy living, the program aims to enhance athletes’ performance and overall quality of life.

Inclusive Health

Inclusive Health promotes equitable healthcare for individuals with intellectual disabilities. It works to educate healthcare professionals, to create more accessible health systems. The program aims to reduce health disparities and ensure that individuals with intellectual disabilities receive quality care.

Contact Us
Brittany Hoegh image
Brittany Hoegh
Senior Director of Health Programs