Become a Coach

Transforming Lives

Coaches in Special Olympics work directly with athletes, providing the sports skills, spirit, and positive attitude they need to compete. A coach can be a teacher, family member, or anyone looking to change lives — including their own. Every interaction with athletes is an opportunity to build character, foster personal growth, and enhance sports skills.

Find essential forms, information, inspiration, and training resources below to support you throughout your coaching journey.

Coaching & Sport Certification

Steps to become a coach

**Both of these steps need to be completed to be a coach for SOWI. Completing one doesn’t fulfill the requirements of the other**

Step 1: All Coaches must be a registered Class A Volunteer.

Step 2: Take the General Coaches Certification . Coaches are required to take this every three (3) years. Certification expires on December 31st of the third calendar year from date of completion.

State Games Certification Requirement

To coach at State-level competition, the head coach needs to have a valid General Coaches Certification. This is checked upon registration for the event.

Each team advancing to state level competition is required to have a certified coach. Coaches may only serve as the certified coach for one sport at the same State tournament. Certification must be completed online, and be completed by the Thursday following the State Games registration deadline.

Teams or individuals that have a coach that is not certified, will not be allowed to advance to the state level competition.

Minimum age to act as a coach for SOWI is 16

Class A volunteers who are 16 or 17 years old and wish to coach at each practice or competition must be under the supervision of a SOWI registered Class A volunteer who is at least 18 years old.

Minor coaches may not act as a chaperone. Athletes must be chaperoned by a Class A volunteer who is over the age of 18.