Healthy Vision Month

The month of May is recognized as Healthy Vision Month. The National Eye Institute first established the observance in May 2003. Healthy Vision Month is designed to elevate vision as a health priority throughout the country. Millions of people living in the United States have undetected vision problems, eye diseases, and conditions.

Within Special Olympics Wisconsin, the Opening Eyes program tries to help make eye care a priority for our athletes. Statistics show that 35% of Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes need new prescription glasses, 15% have an eye disease, and 5% have never had an eye exam before. Opening Eyes events include free vision screenings, refractions, and distribution of appropriate eye wear (prescription glasses, sunglasses, and sports goggles). Opening Eyes also provides education to coaches and eye care professionals about the needs and care necessary for individuals with intellectual disabilities.

For more information about Healthy Vision Month, you can visit the National Eye Institute website.  If you would like to learn more about Opening Eyes, check out the Special Olympics Wisconsin website!

Opening Eyes