Polar Plunge Season is Here!

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Now approaching 20 years of chilly fun, you might say the Polar Plunge has become a full-fledged Wisconsin winter tradition. Beginning February 4, Wisconsinites will once again have the opportunity to raise money and awareness for over 10,000 Special Olympics athletes across the state.

Plungers have raised nearly $20 million for Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes since the first dip into icy waters in 1999. These funds have helped athletes compete in games at the state, national and even international level, in addition to helping with health and wellness programs that enrich the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities year-round.

If you take the plunge, you’ll be joined by thousands of Special Olympics supporters and athletes. One such Special Olympics Wisconsin athlete is Adam Domino. Amazingly, Adam will be participating in his 17th Polar Plunge this year. Last year he raised more than $3,000, making him one of the top fundraisers of the Wausau Polar Plunge.

Adam after taking the plunge
Adam after taking the plunge

Along with Adam, approximately 7,000 brave folks took the plunge across the state last year and raised $1.8 million for Special Olympics Wisconsin. Help us surpass that in 2017 by registering today!

And if jumping into frigid waters in the dead of winter isn’t necessarily for you, you’ll be happy to hear there’s something for everyone at the Polar Plunge. You can register and fundraise as “Too Chicken to Plunge” where you get to enjoy in the festivities, earn incentives and be on a team – all while staying dry.
Check out PolarPlungeWI.org to find the date of the Plunge nearest you!