Healthy Athletes at the State Summer Games

The Healthy Athletes program had another successful year at the State Summer Games in Stevens Point! Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes were able to receive free health screenings through the Opening Eyes, Special Smiles, Health Promotions and Healthy Hearing disciplines. Athletes were not required to be competing at the Summer Games to receive screenings, all that was necessary was a valid medical form.

On Friday, June 10, the Opening Eyes, Special Smiles and Health Promotions disciplines were set up across the UW-Stevens Point campus. Opening Eyes achieved great success, seeing more than 220 athletes in a few short hours. Approximately 250 glasses were given to athletes, including prescription glasses, sunglasses and sports goggles. Special Smiles achieved similar success, helping more than 170 athletes. Nearly 40 mouth guards and 75 fluoride varnishes were provided for athletes, with 7 urgent care referrals also provided.

Healthy Hearing took place the following day, Saturday, June 11 for a little over two hours. In that short time, health care professionals and volunteers were able to screen 50 athletes. The amount of hearing loss among Special Olympics athletes is much higher than in the general population. Most athletes’ hearing problems go previously undetected, which is why Healthy Hearing is so important!

The Healthy Athletes program would not be possible without the help of our amazing volunteers. Health care professionals from across the state dedicated their time and talents to ensuring Special Olympics Wisconsin athletes have the ability to receive free health screenings. Volunteers included the Lions Club, Delta Dental, optometrists, audiologists and more. We would also like to say a special thank all of our Clinical Directors for their hard work and dedication!
