Join us for the World’s Largest Truck Convoy on September 20!

On behalf of Special Olympics Wisconsin and the World’s Largest Truck Convoy planning committee, we are excited to announce our Convoy Marshals for 2014: PJ Lynch and Jerry Halboth! 

PJ has been involved with Special Olympics Wisconsin for 25 years! He recently played for Team Wisconsin at USA Games in New Jersey, as part of our aquatics team. PJ also serves as an athlete-as-coach for basketball, and is on the planning committee for the Outdoor Sports Tournament.

This year marks Jerry’s 17th year with Special Olympics Wisconsin. Jerry played for Team Wisconsin in New Jersey at USA Games in track and field, calling it a “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!” Jerry also went Over the Edge for Special Olympics in July at Miller Park, rappelling down more than 100 feet!

We would also like to announce Tom Howells as our Honorary Convoy Marshal, in honor of his retirement after 35 years of service to the Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association. The Wisconsin Motor Carriers Association is a founding partner of Wisconsin’s Convoy, and has been an integral part of the Convoy’s success year after year.

Once again, we welcome musician Rob Anthony to join us at the Convoy at EAA! He will perform his original songs, including “Down the Road (A Trucker Tribute),” which is dedicated to National Truck Driver Appreciation week every year.  Thank you, Rob, for supporting Special Olympics Wisconsin!

Visit for registration and sponsorship information!