The Opening Ceremony was at the Prudential Center in New Jersey. We got bussed there and there was a police escort all the way. They had at least 10 squad cars shutting down the interstate all of the way to Newark. There was a huge crowd when we arrived and everyone was clapping and cheering us on. Then we walked into a gym with states lined up in alphabetical order. We were one of the last states to walk in besides Wyoming and New Jersey. It was so exciting to walk in and see everyone cheering for us. All of us were waving to the crowd and we were on the big screen.
It was really exciting seeing all of the celebrities like Big Show and Broklyn Decker and other people from WWE. There were fireworks that went off with different songs and when they raised the Special Olympics flag. Everything was AMAZING! I felt like a superstar.
On Monday, the Flag Football team did divisioning games. We played at the Lawrenceville College and there were a lot of different fields with games going on at one time. The first game was against Nebraska and we lost that one, 24-40, but we won the second game against Tennessee, 36-16. Team Wisconsin played really good overall and I am very proud of them. We have more divisioning games Tuesday and Wednesday. On Wednesday night we have our showcase games and there is a rumor that John Travolta and other celebrities will be there! The medal round games start on Thursday. It is all just amazing!