Team Wisconsin’s Travel Day by Olivia Quigley, Team Wisconsin Athletics Athlete


On Friday, June 13th, I got up and left the house around 8am to go to Madison. When I got to Madison there was a team sendoff at the airport. There was the UW Marching Band, Bucky Badger and lunches. There was a ceremony for the send-off, led by Bob Whitehead, and he got us excited for our trip. When we left the airport, we flew into Detroit and waited a bit till our next plane to Philadelphia. I was really scared to fly but we made it.

When we got to Philadelphia, there were people to cheer for us when we landed. The National Guard helped us get our bags off the plane and put them on the bus. We got in late at night and took the bus to Rider University in New Jersey. We got to the campus around 10:30pm and there were more people to cheer for us when we got off the bus. We were the first team to arrive! The organizers took our team photo and put it on Facebook. Then we found our rooms and unpacked. In our rooms there was a nice gift bag with a watch, water bottle, hat and sunglasses.

This morning the track team headed over for breakfast and then we walked around the campus. We found the volleyball team practicing and we watched them for a little bit. There was a lounge area where we could relax and watch movies. We also got to see North Carolina and West Virginia arrive. We cheered for them and there were lots of volunteers cheering, too. There was a marching band playing music for the teams. After lunch we went to the track on campus. We practiced handoffs and ran some laps. I was very tired afterwards.

We are excited to run on the track at Princeton and go to Opening Ceremonies tomorrow! Go Team Wisconsin!